1,000+ Advocates
Active Climate
400K +
People Reached by our Advocates
FXB International is a non-governmental organization with over 30 years of experience in breaking the cycle of poverty. Since its founding in 1989, FXB has served 18 countries and lifted over 18 million people from extreme poverty.
Leveraging FXB's 34-year trajectory in poverty alleviation and sustainable development, the FXB Climate Advocates program empowers youth to implement climate solutions.

Our Origins
The story of FXB started in 1986, when Albina du Boisrouvray’s only son François-Xavier, a rescue pilot, was killed in a tragic helicopter accident when he was just 24.
This life-changing loss prompted Albina to walk away from a successful career as a film producer and dedicate her life to champion the cause of the tens of millions of vulnerable women and children left in the wake of the devastating AIDS pandemic. In 1989, Albina gave away most of what she had to found the FXB Foundation and FXB International in honor of François-Xavier and to perpetuate the values of generosity and compassion that had guided his life.
Our Global Youth Climate Advocates
Our Advocates at a Glance

Dodoma, Tanzania

Lisbon, Portugal

New York, USA