Project Overview:
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Marine waste disposal has emerged as a grave issue along the coast of Liberia. The prevalent practice among citizens is the disposal of waste directly along the coastal belt, leading to consistent dumping into marine waters [1]. This activity has not only degraded the marine ecosystem but also caused pronounced socio-economic implications. Flooding, instigated by this dumping, has been catastrophic for neighboring communities, causing loss of lives, property damage, and significant land reduction [2].
Beyond the immediate human impact, the marine environment bears the brunt of this waste disposal. Marine debris, particularly plastic, poses a lethal threat to marine species through ingestion and entanglement. As this debris accumulates, the marine environment experiences escalated toxicity levels, posing a threat not only to marine life but potentially infiltrating the larger marine food web, which can eventually impact human health [3].
The primary objective of this project is multi-faceted:
Prevention and Cleanup: A dedicated effort to prevent and eliminate plastic pollution from the marine environment, securing safer habitats for marine species and reducing the instances of marine-related injuries and fatalities.
Erosion and Flooding Control: By understanding and addressing the root causes, this project aims to significantly reduce instances of flooding and the resultant erosion, safeguarding both human lives and property.
Emission Management: Promoting proper waste handling and disposal practices to reduce GreenHouse Gas (GHG) emissions linked to waste decomposition.
Community Engagement and Awareness: Advocating for responsible waste disposal among community members and emphasizing the perilous effects of marine waste. Engaging communities ensures sustainable change, bringing about local solutions and proactive participation in waste management [4].
Policy Advocacy: Engaging with policymakers to recommend stringent waste disposal protocols and regulations.
Green Earth Advocates, in its commitment to mitigating marine waste challenges, has initiated community-centered activities. Through engagement and sensitization, communities are apprised of the catastrophic consequences of marine waste. The inclusion of locals in voluntary programs establishes them as primary stakeholders in marine conservation efforts.
The broader vision of this initiative encompasses the documentation and communication of findings and progress, with the aspiration of contributing to global marine conservation discourse.
A meticulously outlined budget ensures the successful implementation and sustainability of the project, amounting to approximately USD 55,780.00.
[1] UNEP. (2016). Marine Litter: A Global Challenge. United Nations Environment Programme.
[2] World Bank. (2019). Addressing Marine Pollution: A Roadmap for Liberia. World Bank Group.
[3] OSPAR Commission. (2017). Impacts and Management of Marine Litter. OSPAR Commission.
[4] WWF. (2020). Engaging Communities in Marine Conservation. World Wildlife Fund.